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Onboarding to Observability Platform


Getting access to the Observability Platform is currently by invitation only.

Please reach out via #ask-observability-platform to discuss your requirements.


Once onboarding has been agreed with the Observability Platform team, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Tenant name (e.g. Observability Platform)

  • GitHub team (e.g. observability-platform)

  • AWS accounts and whether

    • Amazon CloudWatch is enabled or disabled
    • Amazon X-Ray is enabled or disabled
    • Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is enabled or disabled
  • Optionally:

    • any PagerDuty integrations keys
    • any Slack channels

Deploying Observability Platform Terraform Module

To access Amazon CloudWatch and X-Ray in your account, the Observability Platform team have created a Terraform module to create the required resources.

Documentation for this module can be found on the Terraform Registry.

An example of using this module can be found below:

module "observability_platform_tenant" {
  source  = "ministryofjustice/observability-platform-tenant/aws"
  version = "<see for latest>"

  observability_platform_account_id = local.environment_management.account_ids["observability-platform-${ENVIRONMENT}"]

  tags = local.tags

Creating a PagerDuty Integration

Please refer to PagerDuty’s documentation for creating an Events API v2 integration.

Configuring Observability Platform’s Slack Bot

To recieve alerts to a Slack channel, you will need to invite @observabilityplatform.

This page was last reviewed on 28 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 28 September 2024 by the page owner #observability-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 28 September 2024 by the page owner #observability-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.